Aida's Adoption - Discouragement

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Good morning from Kampala! The last few hours have been discouraging and disheartening. Our adoption coordinator skyped with me last night, mainly to tell me to be very very careful because another woman staying in this guesthouse is gossiping about Aida and me. My clothing, a picture of Aida smiling...both fodder.

Our in-country coordinator is looking for a new place for us to stay this morning, and I am going out for my second visit with Aida. Please pray, this time, for my heart. It's discouraging to feel like no one is on your side, and that every move you make is all being analyzed and sifted to make someone else feel better about herself.

This Ugandan adoption community is like nothing I've ever seen. In China, you meet other parents, and you go eat and information is shared and it's supportive. You know that you are coming home your child because due process has already been followed. Having a bunch of families here while due process is working it's way through is asking for trouble. People are paranoid and upset and difficult. So please don't just pray for my heart, but also these families who are stuck here with little/no movement on their court cases. I'd like to say that I would never stoop so low, but if I were here for months with no resolution, I'm not sure I would be myself anymore.


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